2020 Hope For All Annual Report
At its beginning, HOPE For All pledged to help people meet their basic needs by providing furniture, quality clothing and shoes, and all of those things that make a house feel like a home.
During this past year, we were put to the test. When the state of Maryland was shut down in mid-March, HOPE had deliveries scheduled, orders ready-to-go, and families without beds. We quickly made inquiries and confirmed that HOPE For All was considered an essential business.
With a skeleton staff and many prayers, we went out into the community wearing masks and gloves to serve those who had been waiting for HOPE to come. Without HOPE For All, these families would have had to endure the lockdown with no furniture in their homes, no dishes in their kitchen, no lamp to turn on at night. We couldn’t shut down knowing that; we are the only organization in Anne Arundel County that does what we do.
We are committed to our clients. Committed to giving them our best. Committed to serving God and our community. Committed to ensuring that no one should sleep on the floor, or go without.
This commitment to others pervades our staff, volunteers, donors, and supporters. With God’s grace, whatever difficulties cross our path in the days ahead, we will meet them with the same determination.
Connie Cooper, Executive Director